zaterdag 29 november 2014

December Daily

Hi Everyone!

Wauw it has bin way to long sinds my last blog!!! I have to say it's because I have the feeling that nobody is reading this blog anyway ;-)
But I decided to just wright anyway just in case someone reads it ;-) LOL.

So this is what I have bin doing this last months.

I am currently in New Zealand where I work on a dairy farm.
From December 15th I will leave this job (after 6 months) and go travel and find work somewhere in New Zealand.
I have heaps of scrapbook stuff with me and I'm keeping a journal/project life mixup. And its great!
It reminds me of December Daily. A 6x8 sn@p album with heaps of pictures and a hybrid version of project life and normal scrapbooking. I will show some pictures soon.
But talking about December Daily. I'm at the start of making my first DD.
I bought a kit (scraptastic stocking stuffer) and I have prepped my sn@p album. Not to much cause I have no idea how many pictures I wil take every day for a whole month. But as I am planning a trip I have the feeling that I don't have to worry to much about enough pictures.
I want to share with you my cover page now. And I will upload layouts weekly.
I hope you guys like it.
Cause I love the first page.

It is created on a transparency page. Although the picture doesn't show that very well.

As I am now on the southern half of the world. It's now summer here. And that means not the cosy christmas feeling that I am used to when in the Netherlands.
But that gives it a special memorie by it's self.
But for the DD I decided to use the normal red and green that you would use for any christmas layouts. And add turquoise and gold to my palet. So it stays fresh and "summerish" in my opinion.

Please leave a comment telling what you do this christmas with scrapbooking. Are you making a December Daily/Documented or do you make the 12x12 layouts?
I would love to now you're ideas.

Till next time.

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